Tuesday, January 31, 2012

#HardCore Ab Burner Part 1

In order to bring some order to my blog I have decided to simplify it a bit and discuss three topics a week. I am going to piggy back off of The Sweatbox rip and shred series and offer posts discussing abs(hard core), upper body(gun show), and lower body(booty hell).

For our first offering in the #HardCore category we want to give you a short workout you can use in order to workout all four areas of the abdominals. You will see constant contractions in the abs throughout the entire workout and I will break a sweat. Make sure you focus on keeping your abs constantly engaged you can do this by trying to pull your belly button down towards the floor. I know this is impossible to do, but that will make you contract your abs and increase your work load.

You will need a stability ball and a mat. You can purchase these at any wal-mart, target, or fitness store.

Exercise Levels:
Workout Grunts(beginners): attempt 30 reps of each exercise and 10 reps of each interval
Workout Warriors(intermediate): attemps 50 reps of each exercise and 20 reps of each interval
#BEASTMODE(expert): attempt 100 reps of each exercise and 30 reps of each interval

Repeat this set three times giving yourself about 1 min. of rest in between each set. It is going to burn like hell, however tight abs come with a price.

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